Now it’s crunch time. Hanukkah is right around the corner, and you’re in a frenzy trying to figure out what to buy all the important people in your life. But there’s something that has slipped your mind: the Hanukkah card. It’s where you get to write a sweet, short anecdote to your loved one.
Get a good laugh by checking out these adorable, witty Hanukkah cards that will be a hit with the entire family.
*Remember, this year Hanukkah starts on the evening of December 6*
1. Happy Llamakah is just too cute to pass up.
2. Menorah Blahnik Hanukkah cards are perfect for all the fashionistas out there.
3. Because no one knows when Hanukkah starts, so why not joke about it with this card?
4. Keeping with the trend, no one knows how to spell Hanukkah either.
5. Spin it like it’s hot. Seriously.
6. Because it is the festival of lights, after all.
7. If you get this card, you know you’re Jewing it right.
8. Oy to the world with Star of David snowflakes. Because why not?
9. What if Dr. Dre was really good at dreidel?
10. And in case you need a naughty Jewish boy on your Hanukkah cards. We’re not so sure about this one, but hey, to each his/her own, right?
Need ideas for kids, dads, and moms? We’ve got you covered.