Passover Pajamas Are Here! – Kveller
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Passover Pajamas Are Here!


Some people say Jewish holidays shouldn’t be commercialized, but those people aren’t me. I’m a sucker for Jewish holiday merch — especially Hanukkah pajamas, which I love perusing the internet for in the weeks and months leading up to the Jewish Festival of Lights.

One Jewish merch-related complaint that I do understand is the argument that Hanukkah isn’t actually that major a holiday when compared to other Jewish ones that may be more worthy of fanfare and bountiful shopping opportunities. So I’m happy to report that we finally have Passover pajamas — and Kveller is teaming up with their creator to get you a special 20% discount with the code: Kveller20.

These delightful matzah pajamas were created by Rabbi Yael Buechler, a veteran Jewish holiday aficionado and entrepreneur (and also a Kveller contributor!). Buechler has been sharing her Jewish-themed nail art with the world since 1996, and her business Midrash Manicures has been selling Jewish holiday-themed clothing and accessories for years now. Her Passover dress has been worn by the likes of Mayim Bialik, and her Hanukkah scrunchie was worn year-round by none other than the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Buechler brought all that expertise to these pajamas, which are adorned with a matzah texture print (and can also serve as an excellent matzah costume for Purim or Halloween).

Yet the best place to wear these pajamas is definitely to the seder — we all know the Passover seder can take hours, and tired kids, amped up from the afikoman search and singing, will remain comfortable throughout with these extra soft pajamas (I can vouch for their softness since my son has a pair) and then plop directly in their bed, no need for an outfit change.

Buechler was inspired to make these pajamas after last year’s Passover seder. “After my 2-year-old called his new yellow pajamas ‘matzah pajamas’ throughout Passover last year, I decided to look into how to actually make matzah pajamas,” she told Kveller over e-mail. Since these pajamas were originally conceived to be worn by kids, making them 100% cotton was important.

Buechler’s adorable toddler son (who you can see wearing the pajamas in the image above) is absolutely obsessed with the product he inspired, calling them “the real matzah pajamas that Ema made.”

While Buechler originally conceived of this product only for kids, she is now offering adult sizes, too.

The pajamas will be shipped to homes two weeks before Passover. If you’re now debating buying these for your entire family so you can all wear matching matzah pajamas for your seder, know that you are not the only one.

“The haggadah teaches ‘v’chol hamarbeh lesaper b’yetziat mitzrayim, harei zeh meshubach,’ that ‘whoever expands upon retelling the story of the Exodus from Egypt,” Buechler says, “it is all the more praiseworthy.’ My hope is that these matzah pajamas will provide for a ‘v’chol hamarbeh’ moment for whoever wears them — grown-ups included!”

If pajamas aren’t your jam, Buechler also has Passover headbands, scrunchies, dresses, leggings, nail decals and this adorable matzah playhouse reusable sticker set that my toddler absolutely loves. You can use code Kveller20 to get that same 20% off anything in her shop.

Chag sameach, everyone!

Use code Kveller20 to get 20% off your Passover pajamas from Midrash Manicures.

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